Exploring the Underwater Wonders of Tubbataha Reef - Bluewater Dive Travel
Exploring the Underwater Wonders of Tubbataha Reef

Exploring the Underwater Wonders of Tubbataha Reef

Tubbataha Reef, located in the Sulu Sea of the Philippines, is a diver's paradise renowned for its stunning coral walls, diverse and prolific marine life, and pristine underwater landscapes. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is accessible only by liveaboards during a limited diving season from March through June, making it one of the most exclusive and protected underwater habitats in the world. 

Anne, one of Bluewater's experienced travel advisors, visited Tubbataha Reef in June 2024 to experience firsthand if the destination lives up to its reputation as one of the top dive regions in the Philippines. Sharing what she learned on this unforgettable trip, Anne details what you can expect during a trip to Tubbataha, from the embarkation and crossing to the underwater wonders and topside weather.

Embarkation at Puerto Princesa 

The journey to Tubbataha begins when you embark on your selected liveaboard at Puerto Princesa. I boarded the vessel at noon, but some of the guests joined later, around 2:00 p.m. Then, we had to wait while the authorities verified all of the diving permits before we were given clearance to leave the port. I recommend you bring a good book to read or use the time to get to know other divers on the boat while you wait to depart.

Crossing to Tubbataha Reef

Our liveaboard departed at 6:00 p.m. for the long crossing to Tubbataha Reef. We arrived at 5:00 a.m. - an 11-hour overnight journey! After multiple flights to reach Puerto Princesa, the overnight sailing was a good opportunity to catch up on sleep before the days of diving ahead. The anticipation of the guests was palpable when we finally arrived, and everyone was eager to get in the water. The weather was perfect, with clear skies and calm seas. The previous week had seen rougher sea conditions and poorer visibility, so there is definitely an element of luck involved. I crossed my fingers that our good weather would hold for the rest of the week!

Diving in Tubbataha 

Upon arrival, we did two dives at Malayan Wreck and a third at Ranger Post. Immediately upon entering the water, I could see what draws divers to this paradise: beautiful reefs cascading down to white sandy bottoms, good visibility, and warm water temperatures. I was captivated by the plunging walls decorated with vibrant corals and robust populations of reef fish. Our guides claim that the visibility can be even better than what we experienced, which is hard to imagine.

A shark and schools of fish at a dive site in Tubbataha Reef, Philippines

Tubbataha's underwater world is truly like diving in an aquarium. The water temperature was consistently around 30 degrees Celcius, even at depths of 30 meters. Clear waters with minimal currents enabled us to relax as we took in the reef landscape and its inhabitants. During dives with mild currents, the guides always planned the dives, so we drifted gently along the reef with the current. Night dives are not conducted at Tubbataha, so expect three to four dives during daylight hours and evenings spent relaxing aboard the boat.

Diving in Tubbataha Reef is like sitting on a train, watching as beautiful landscapes pass by out the window. We visited a number of different dive sites, including Wall Street, Nelson Wreck, Triggerfish City, Staghorn Point, Kolok, Shark Alley, Washing Machine, Ranger Station 2, and Amos Rock. All of the dives were easy and relaxing - suitable for divers with varied levels of experience. Divers who prefer the rush of diving in thrilling currents would be better suited to visit a different destination, but Tubbataha is perfect for those seeking a serene and relaxing underwater experience. Expect to begin your dives by descending along the plummeting walls and gradually ascending, finishing the dive with a safety stop along the shallow reef shelf.

Tubbataha Marine Life Encounters

We witnessed a vast diversity of hard and soft coral species, loads of reef fish, and encountered sharks on every dive. Black tips, white tips, and nurse sharks were frequently spotted throughout the week. Funnily, our dive at Shark Alley produced the fewest number of sharks. My most exciting moment was when we came upon a school of approximately fifty bumphead parrotfish - a school larger than any I'd seen before - cruising along the shallow reef shelf. We also saw marble rays and schools of jackfish, yellowtail barracuda, and great barracuda. 

A school of barracuda seen while diving Tubbataha Reef, Philippines A school of bumphead parrotfish at Tubbataha Reef, Philippines

Smaller marine life included some crabs, pygmy seahorses, and nudibranchs, but it's important to note that Tubbataha is not a macro destination. If you want to experience proper macro diving, consider other destinations in the Philippines, such as Anilao or Dumaguete

Final Impressions

The weather turned a bit near the end of our trip as thunderstorms and rain moved into the area. However, I couldn't complain because the rest of the week had been perfect, and the weather didn't disrupt our dive schedule. We visited a lot of different dive sites, although many of the sites in Tubbataha are very similar in terms of marine life and topography. 

Diving in Tubbataha is comfortable, easy, and relaxing, with plenty of beauty to behold below the surface. I would recommend Tubbataha to anyone seeking calm, warm water diving with pristine corals and lots of fish activity. Wall enthusiasts will be particularly satisfied with the dive sites around Tubbataha National Park. Make the most of your dive trip to the Philippines by combining a trip to Tubbataha with a trip to see thresher sharks in Malapascua or explore more challenging currents (for experienced divers) at Verde Island near Puerto Galera. Just make sure to plan your trip to Tubbataha well in advance because its short diving season means the boats can fill up well in advance.


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