Anilao Dive Report Spring 2019: Photo Workshop - Bluewater Dive Travel
Anilao Dive Report Spring 2019: Photo Workshop

Anilao Dive Report Spring 2019: Photo Workshop

Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019

Written by Trip Leader & Photo Pro Erik Lukas.

I had the privilege of running the annual Anilao, Philippines spring macro workshop for Bluewater Dive Travel the third consecutive year. It has been and will continue to be a location that I look forward to visiting again and again for the incredible opportunities it provides. This year was no exception. 

The two workshops ran back-to-back from April 25 - May 12, 2019. Group number one came for a 10-day workshop, while group two was there for a 7-day workshop. One of the best things about this specific trip is the number of guests who return each year, which makes for a reunion of friends and the chance to meet many new ones. 

As the groups arrived in Anilao after long trips from different parts of the world, it was time to set up and jump right in. Each workshop is packed with a high paced schedule that includes morning image reviews, four daily dives and afternoon workshop sessions. Meals, photo editing camera maintenance and sleep are squeezed into the remaining few hours before we do it all over again. 

Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Image by trip leader Erik Lukas

One of the most rewarding parts of leading these workshops is seeing the incredible improvements of the attendees over the course of the trip as leaders Erik Lukas, Mike Bartick, Tommy Stylski and Bryan Chu cover various topics and concepts.

Each of the workshops concludes with a shootout style photo competition where we judge not only best images produced during a single day of four dives, but we look for how well the guests implement the skills they were taught during the workshop.

Image by Bryan Chu for Anilao Trip Report 2019

Image by trip co-leader Bryan Chu

This year's winners produced some incredible images. One of the highlights, and perhaps surprises from the first group competition were that both the “Macro” and “Nudibranch” category winning images were made with compact cameras (a Sony RX100 Mark 3 and the Olympus TG-4, respectively).

Award-winning Pygmy Seahorse Photo by Christina Barringer for Anilao Trip Report 2019

Shootout winning image by Christina Barringer for the Macro category. 

Of course, it is difficult to understate the workshop going as well as it does without giving credit to the incredible staff of Crystal Blue Resort. From the dive team to the dining staff to the back-of-house team that keeps the resort running smoothly, we couldn’t ask for a better partner to host these workshops with. 

If you are looking for an intensive macro workshop in one of the world’s top destinations, it is well worth considering our Anilao photo workshops


Erik's Photo Equipment

In case you're wondering, here is the full list of Erik Lukas's photo equipment used on this trip! 


Anilao Underwater Images

Below are images made by our guests and trip leaders.

Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019

Shootout winning image by Mike Mayfield. Shot with a Sony RX 100 Mark III

Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019

Image by trip leader Erik Lukas

Anilao Dive Trip Report Anilao Dive Trip 2019

Workshop group one (left) & group two (right)

Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019

Shootout winner for the Nudibranch category Debi Daugherty. Halgerda batangas nudibranch with eggs shot on an Olympus TG-4.

Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Shootout winner for the Macro category Mike Mayfield. Thorny seahorse shot with Sony RX100 MIII.


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019

Shootout winner for the Macro category Christina Barringer


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Images by Sarah Vasend


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Photos by Co-Trip Leader Bryan Chu (left) & Rhiana Roque (right)


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Images by trip co-leader Bryan Chu

 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Image by Jonathan McWillie


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Image by Jonathan McWillie (left) & Mike Mayfield (right)

Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2010

Images by Arthur Borges


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Images by Christina Barringer 


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Images by Susan McCready


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019


Images by Ted Timmons


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Dive Trip 2019


Images by Joanne Timmons


Anilao Dive Trip Report 2019 Anilao Macro Photography Workshop 2019


Images by Rhiana Roque




Images by Tim Nakada


Anilao From Above by Erik Lukas for Anilao Trip Report 2019

Anilao from above, photo by Erik Lukas




Join Our Next Anilao Photo Workshops

Our annual macro photography workshops at Crystal Blue Resort sell out fast! Secure your spot before it's too late!  

Anilao Macro Photography Workshop: Dec 2025 

Can't join on these dates? Bluewater Travel can book you on a resort in Anilao for the same cost or less than booking any other way. We know the diving, seasons, boats and cabins and when to go better than anyone else!

Email us at to start planning your trip!


Underwater Photo Gear Links



Further Reading

Check out these useful resources from our sister companies the Underwater Photography Guide and Bluewater Photo

Macro Photography Tips and Tutorial

Top Tips for Super Macro Photography

Underwater Macro Lenses: All the Options

Wet Macro Lens Buyer's Guide


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