Jcarlton - Bluewater Dive Travel



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Reviews (2)

Sea of Cortez


The Sea of Cortez is easily accessible, full of amazing diversity and photographic opportunity and Dora's boats are in their element with staff that are ALWAYS doing their best. The Explore Baja trip is a great value and fine adventure.

The "expedition" aspect was particularly enjoyable. Watching the scenery and geology change as we traveled, finding sperm whales, whale sharks, and large pods of dolphins in addition to the more predictable dive findings was a very unique experience. Nirupam's guidance and experience exceeded all our expectations and really topped off the trip.

Visited on 09/2021 - Submitted on 10/12/2021
Read all Sea of Cortez Dive Travel reviews

Socorro Island Diving


Fine, really fine pelagic quarry diving and in our backyard (from NW US that is)! Our last several trips involved tortuous amounts of time in airplanes and ports but not so Socorro and yet the payoff is up there on the "best" scale. This November in the Revillagigedo islands, we made the CLOSE acquaintance of at least 4 whale sharks including a calf, saw white tips stacked like cord wood, Galapagos, Silvertip, and Silky shark cruised within 20 feet. Hammerheads, as they tend to, stayed on the blue edge. We have seen more than a few mantas elsewhere but these were there to entertain, coming in multiples and staying for the length of the dive. Octopus, turtles,humongous lobster, morays in most nooks, we had absolutely no shortage of sightings. Topside all there was time for was excellent eating and welcome beds before time to get deep again. Currents added some spice but not excessive danger to the experience. Visibility was affected by the storm crossing our path but was 75 ft at worst. Water temp was 74-80 degrees, we wore 5mm's to keep warm on successive dives. Our crossings a bit rough but hey, this is the Pacific and the dolphins were there for diversion. If you have dived enough to gain respect for open water and essentially bottomless sites, Socorro is for you!

Visited on 11/2013 - Submitted on 02/06/2014
Read all Socorro Island Diving Dive Travel reviews


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