ccurtis - Bluewater Dive Travel



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I have been to the Bahamas many times over the last six years with over 120 dives. I absolutely love going there. The water is super clear and there is an abundance of sea life. I will start off with hotels and resorts which there is an abundance that ranges in various needs.


Atlantis is a super resort with a long list of activites, restaurants and different grades of rooms. It is on the pricey side but the water park access that comes with your room can help offset that cost. It is located on paradise island. Bahamas divers is located near by and most of the excursions leave from that end of the island. Located on Cable beach are another group of hotels: Breezes(all-inclusive) exceptional dining and very friendly staff, there is some night life activities also at this resort, The Wyndham which will soon be Bahamar(the next super resort in Nassau) which also contains one of the two casino's on the island. This resort has a nice location on one of the nicest beaches in Nassau. Our favourite resort to stay at is a smaller family owned and operated resort on the West end of the island called OrangeHill Beach Inn. When you stay there, you feel like you are staying with family. The home style bahamian cooking at the restaurant is a very affordable menu. A Steak meal for around $25 dollars!!! They have a pool and the beach is only a two minute walk. When you are on the beach there is a 50% chance you will be the only people there, with a tiny reef system with in swimming distance(experienced swimmer). There is also a few rocks with some small coral and various sea life showing up. We have seen spiny lobster, octopus, sting rays and even a Baracuda all within 20 yards from shore.


Almost all of my diving in the Bahamas has been with Stuart's Cove. They have a knowledgable staff and run a decent operation. However they are a large volume outfit and you can get that rushed feeling which isnt the nicest when diving. The dive shop is well stocked and the gear is in decent shape. The burgers at the dock are a MUST TRY! If you are a James Bond fan there are some sites that are a must dive. The bomber plane from thunderball, the shipwreck from Never say never. Other movie dive sites include "Into the Blue" , Jaws and then there are the shark dives, absolutely amazing dives with the local shark population.

The other destination I have dove was in Exuma with Dive-Exuma, we dove Angelfish Bluehole and Elizabeth Reef. While the bluehole was not terribly exciting due to the size(40' opening at the top narrowing to about 8' at 90ish feet before turning into single file cave diving) and lack of sea life, Elizabeth reef was amazing with great coral formations and an abundance of sea life. The dive shop was very small but well run.


All in all the Bahamas is what you make of it, you can do it expensive or you can do it fairly cheap. We have done a 15 day trip for 5 people costing around $7500 for hotel, food, flights. I would definately recommend the Bahamas.
See you there!

Visited on 02/2014 - Submitted on 06/17/2014
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