Aqua Cat Cruises Dive Liveaboard Review by leonardk - Bluewater Dive Travel

Aqua Cat Cruises Dive Liveaboard Review by leonardk

Aqua Cat Cruises


My wife and I took the Aqua Cat Live-aboard cruise in the Bahamas back in February and we loved it. Although the outer perimeter of the boat is a little banged up, the inside is clean and spacious. Our cabin (#8) was plenty big enough for the two of us and included an ensuite bathroom with shower. We really didn't even hear the other guests in their cabins. The food was amazing with lots of choices during each seating. Shark, shark, shark, and more sharks. Almost every dive we saw a shark or two with a shark feeding mid-week. My wife did her first discovery dive while on this trip and I told her don't get use to the crystal clear water as it's not always that nice. For non-divers there was plenty to do from snorkel boarding to sun bathing on a secluded island while everyone else is diving. There's several excursions during the week if you wish a short break from diving. Don't miss out seeing the swimming pigs. The crew was awesome and they made sure everyone was having a great time. There is no question that my wife and I will be doing this trip again with Aqua Cat Cruises.

Visited on 02/2014 - Submitted on 07/30/2014
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