Kosrae Nautilus Resort Goes Solar! - Bluewater Dive Travel
Kosrae Nautilus Resort Goes Solar!

Kosrae Nautilus Resort Goes Solar!


Kosrae Nautilus Resort Goes Solar

This isolated resort on its remote island is seeking alternative energy solutions in their continued effort to go green. The installation of a 40 kilowatt (160 panel) solar system, in addition to their current solar water heaters, is intended to combat the 1130% rise in the price of electricity the resort has experienced over the last 19 years. 

Attempts to gain support from embassies and agencies in Micronesia have failed, so Kosrae Nautilus has turned to its loyal fans for support in raising $60,000 for their energy overhaul. This boutique dive resort is offering big discounts and other perks to their donors who want to assist in the environmentally-friendly efforts. Donation packages are as follows:

- $25: Receive a $50 restaurant voucher for Kosrae Nautilus Resort

- $50: Receive a Kosrae Nautilus T-shirt, shipped to anywhere in the world

- $100: Kosrae Nautilus will plant a fruit tree on their property, and, adjacent, install a plaque with the details of your donation

- $125: Receive a 2-night stay in a luxury room at Kosrae Nautilus Resort for up to 3 people

- $150: Receive a Kosrae Nautilus T-shirt, a $50 restaurant voucher for Kosrae Nautilus Resort, and a fruit tree planted in your name, with a plaque describing the details of your donation

- $750: Receive a 7-night vacation package for 2 people valued at $1577. This includes lodging, meals, non-alcoholic drinks, snorkeling equipment and kayak use for 2 people.

- $1250: Receive a vacation and diving package for 2 people good for 7 nights accommodation, 5 days of diving, and all meals and non-alcoholic drinks. This package is ordinarily valued at $2926!

For more information on Kosrae Nautilus' green efforts, their current special offers, and how to donate, contact info@bluewaterdivetravel.com.


Kosrae Nautilus Diving






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